General conditions Van Traa Advocaten N.V.

  1. Van Traa Advocaten N.V. is a public limited company ("naamloze vennootschap") incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands. A list of the shareholders in Van Traa Advocaten N.V., or the persons holding shares in Van Traa Advocaten N.V. through their respective holding companies - which persons are, in conformity with international practice, referred to as "partners" - will be provided on request.
  2. All orders are, with the express exclusion of Articles 7:404 and 7:407 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, accepted and will be carried out by Van Traa Advocaten N.V. only, even if it is the express or implied intention that an order will be carried out by a specific person.
  3. Any liability of Van Traa Advocaten N.V. shall be limited to the amount paid out under Van Traa Advocaten N.V.'s professional liability policy in the matter concerned, plus the amount of the policy excess which in accordance with the terms of the insurance agreement is not borne by the insurers. If, for whatever reason, no payment is made under Van Traa Advocaten N.V.'s professional liability policy, any liability is limited to the amount charged by Van Traa Advocaten N.V. in the matter concerned, up to a maximum of € 250,000.
  4. The Client is entitled to claim the limited amount as set out in Article 3 hereof from Van Traa Advocaten N.V. only. Any claim for damages against current or former, employees, solicitors, partners, shareholders, professional companies, advisors and directors of the professional companies, in which certain partners perform activities, is excluded, while in all matters the liability shall be limited to the limited amount set out in Article 3 hereof.
  5. Van Traa Advocaten N.V. shall, where reasonable grounds exist, consult the Client when involving third parties and shall exercise the necessary care when selecting third parties. Van Traa Advocaten N.V. is not liable for the shortcomings of these third parties and is authorised to accept (also) on behalf of the Client any (general) terms and conditions including any possible limitation of liability on the part of the third parties that it has involved, without prior consultation with the Client.
  6. The legal relationship between Van Traa Advocaten N.V. and the Client, as well as all those who make use of Van Traa Advocaten N.V.'s services, shall be subject to Dutch law. Disputes shall be settled exclusively by the court that has jurisdiction in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  7. Not only Van Traa Advocaten N.V. but also the (legal) persons stated in Article 4 hereof, are entitled to invoke these General Terms and Conditions.
  8. These General Terms and Conditions have been drawn up in the Dutch and English language. The Dutch language version shall be binding.


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