Export, import, sanctions & restrictions

Traders appear to be faced more and more often by import and export restrictions. These may result from international sanctions, but also for instance from regulations about import of organic foods from certain countries, prohibitions about international trade in hazardous waste and formalities in the event of reimport of recalled foods.

The experts of Van Traa can advise you about legislation and regulations as well as assist you in acquiring the necessary permits and permissions. Naturally they also assist during inspections and with questions from supervisors. Thanks to the cooperation with the Customs Knowledge customs office Van Traa can also assist you in all practical aspects of import, export and customs formalities.

Import and export
Thanks to its many years' experience in this field, Van Traa has special knowledge and expertise in the fields of import and export of special groups of goods. Think, for instance, of ship-generated waste, hazardous materials, explosives for civil use (offshore industry). Van Traa can also assist you in acquiring the necessary permissions from the Dutch authorities for this. But also special import and export aspects of (organic) foods are not unfamiliar to our lawyers. In that way we are one of the few firms in the Netherlands who have in-house expertise in the field of import of organic (bulk) goods and we can assist you in the import procedures with the Customs Authorities and SKAL (organic supervisor).

Sanctions and export restrictions
We also have in-house expertise about international trade sanctions, so-called Dual Use Goods and export restrictions. The fact is that in recent years international trade sanctions have become more prominent. It is no longer only a question of companies active in "exotic" countries or industries that must pay attention to these international developments. Moreover these "sanctions" are not a stable feature: they are subject to continuous changes of global political relations. If your company is active outside the EU borders you will have to ascertain whether there is a risk of sanctions and, if so, whether the contracts and conduct of business must be adapted to it. Our specialists can help you with contractually preventing and covering these risks.

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